Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Elijah's IPOD

Sometimes my mind takes quarky little side trips, this post is a result of one of those trips. A while back I was thinking about the story of Elijah where he's fled into the mountains and is hiding in a cave. God comes to him and asks what he's doing there and Elijah answers that they're trying to kill him. Now here's where my mind veered off from the story and I got a picture of Elijah sitting outside his cave with a guitar singing some gut-bucket woe is me blues. And strangely I thought that feels right, I think Elijah would be a blues fan. Of course I didn't stop there, I begin to think about other people from the bible and what kind of music they would they like. Now I'm not trying to be sacrilegious or flippant or disrespectful, just thought it was an amusing little exercise. We all project personalities on the characters of the bible based on a mixture of what's said and done by them in the bible, mixed up memories from years of bible class stories, our personal theology, and all sorts of other psychobabble stuff from our own personalities. So here's what I've come up with, feel free to join in.

Elijah - ok, already said the blues.

David - Singer/Songwriter type - Kristofferson, Billy Joe Shaver, Hank Williams Sr. Personal, lay your heart out for everyone to see.

Samson - Southern Rock, Red-Neck Country - Hank Jr. Even some Kid Rock - I can picture Samson singing I'm A Cowboy Baby as he's slaying Philistines.

Solomon - U2 of course. He was a wise man.

Peter - Not sure about Peter, I kind of see him as a top-forty radio friendly guy. Natasha see's him more as a good ole boy type - some Southern Rock, Garage band fan.

John - The Beatles from All You Need Is Love to the psychedelia of Magical Mystery Tour, John would get it.

Paul - I think Paul's preferred music would be hard driven in you face Christian Metal (maybe something Living Sacrifice), but would be just as comfortable listening to and talking about whatever music whoever he was with at the time.

Jesus - Bob Dylan

God - Jazz - a musical form that really defies definition. Music played within a set tonal structure but with an infinite maze of possibilities. I think that's a good description of the universe that God created.

There's my list, let me hear what you think.

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