Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Father's Day is one of those holidays that I've always had mixed feelings about.

Even though I like the cards, presents and not having to pay for Sunday lunch, do I really need these to know that my kids love me or how blessed I've been to be their dad? Nah, not really. Plus you don't even get a day off work. What kind of real holiday is that?

Father's Day is a yearly reminder of what I've missed, a little poke at the pain that tho dulled and mostly hidden deep in the background after all these years, is still there and still flares up on occasion.

But Father's Day also reminds me of the people who have knowingly or unknowingly stepped in and in big and small ways filled in for my dad.

So here's a big Happy Father's Day to:

My Mom - She's the one who had to become both mom and dad for me and my brother after my dad was killed in a car wreck when I was in the third grade. She's the one who took us fishing and to ballgames. She's the one who played ball with us in the front yard. And she's the one who got to worry about us with no one to share the burden.

David Watson, Loy Reaves, Uncle Frank, Coach Glenn Stewart, Coach Joe Forrest, Richard Akins and Garry Neal. Thank You!

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