Sunday, October 17, 2010

Over 50 Lazy Man's Workout & Diet Plan

Aargh, I stepped on the scales this past weekend and weighed ??? lbs (actual weight is none of your stinkin business), it's not the most I've ever weighed but still a ridicules amount unless maybe I was a couple of feet taller or a sumo wrestler. I've never been that concerned with my weight tho I've always been on the heavy side. I've always been strong and quick enough to compensate for the extra weight to do whatever I felt like relatively well, plus I've also always been able to quickly lose weight whenever the mood struck me. Unfortunately as I've gotten older, weaker and with the onset of type 2 diabetes that approach to my health and fitness has not served me very well over the past several years.

So it's back to the gym and eating better. I have no intentions of starting some super intense workout program (no P90X, Crossfit, etc) or structured diet plan (Atkins, South Beach, whatever). I'm honest enough with myself to acknowledge that I'm basically lazy and undisciplined; I like to do what I like to do. So any workout & diet plan has to fit within the basic nature of who I am and how much effort and time I'm willing to spend on it. Luckily I also know what type of workouts work for me and as strange as it might seem I do know some things about nutrition. Over the next several months I'll be sharing my journey to a marginally healthier me.

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